Astronomical (Ritual) Days for (default) Auckland

The dates and timings are for Auckland, New Zealand. There are different methods and definition, on calculating the dates and times. So, one can follow what he/she likes or comfortable with.
Auckland is at: Latitude: 36° 50' 54" South (-36.848°) Longitude: 174° 45' 48" East (174.763°)
Magnetic Declination: +20° 6' (or 20.1°). Declination is POSITIVE (EAST). Declination is the difference in horizontal angle between magnetic North and true North.

December 2024

11 Dec Wed: Geeta Jayanti Ekadasi(S) from 11:13 Rewati
13 Dec Fri: Pradosham Thryodasi(S) from 5:56 Apabarani/Krithika
15 Dec Sun: Paurnami 22:01 Rohinee
16 Dec Mon: Maargazhi-Dhanu Sankranti 05:49 Mrigaseeroo till 09:50 Pradamai(K) till 19:57
21 Dec Sat: Solstice 22:20
26 Dec Thu: Ekadasi(K) after 05:59 Swati
28 Dec Sat: Pradosham Thryodasi(K) from 9:56 Anuradha
30 Dec Mon: Ammavasya Kurothi year - Dhanur month Varsha ritu - Moola- Soma varam - Ammavasya from 11:31
31 Dec Tue: Poorvashada - Mangala varam - Ammavasya till 11:26

January 2025

1st Jan Wed: Noon 2025CE is 739,254 days Common Era 711,049 days Saka Era (78CE) 1,872,212 kaliyug days (3102 BCE) 2,460,677 Julian Day No
Sun 6:18 to 20:42 average for this month
5 Jan Sun: Sashti(S) vradham
7 Jan Tue: Aashtami(S)
10 Jan Fri: Ekadasi(S)
11 Jan Sat: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
13 Jan Mon: Ardra Thiruvadirai
14 Jan Tue: Thai or Makara sankranthi Paurnami
15 Jan Wed: Kanu or Mattu Pongal
25 Jan Sat: Ekadasi(K)
27 Jan Mon: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
29 Jan Wed: Thai Ammavasya New Moon till 25:35 - Kurothi தை Makara Varsha rithu உத்திராடம் Uthrashada Ammavasya புதன் Sowmya

February 2025

Sun 6:15 to 20:19 average for this month
6 Feb Thu: Waitangi Day
9 Feb Sun: Ekadasi(S)
10 Feb Mon: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
11 Feb Tue: Thai Poosam
12 Feb Wed: Paurnami Full Moon till 26:53
13 Feb Thu: Maasi-1 Kumbha Sankranti
25 Feb Tue: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
28 Feb Fri: Ammavasya New Moon 13:44 pm - Kurothi மாசி Kumbha Sharad rithu சதயம் Sathabhisha Ammavasya வெள்ளி Sukra

March 2025

Sun 7:20 to 19:38 average for this month
11 Mar Tue: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
13 Mar Thu: Maasi Magam
14 Mar Fri: Paurnami Full Moon 19:54 pmTotal Lunar Eclipse 7:38 to 11:00 pm Max 7:58 pm
15 Mar Sat: Panguni-1 Meena Sankranti
27 Mar Thu: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
29 Mar Sat: Ammavasya New Moon till 23:57 pm - Kurothi பங்குனி Meena Sharad rithu உத்திரட்டாதி Utharabhadrapada Ammavasya சனி Sthira

April 2025

Sun 6:46 to 17:55 average for this month
6 Apr Sun: Rama Navami(S) Daylight saving ends at 3am - Kurothi பங்குனி Meena Sharad rithu புனர்பூசம் Punarvasu (till noon) Navami(S) ஞாயிறு Ravi
10 Apr Thu: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
11 Apr Fri: Panguni Uttaram till 21:40 PM
13 Apr Sun: Chitraa Paurnami Full Moon till 12:22 pm
14 Apr Mon: Chitirai-1 Mesha Sankranti
18 Apr Fri: good friday
25 Apr Fri: Pradosham Thryodasi(K) Anzac Day
27 Apr Sun: Ammavasya after 11:20am - Visuvavasu சித்திரை Mesha Hemant rithu Aswinee after 10:08am ஞாயிறு Ravi
28 Apr Mon: Ammavasya New Moon till 7:31 am
30 Apr Wed: Akshaya Thiruthiyai(S) till 20:42 PM

May 2025

Sun 7:13 to 17:22 average for this month
8 May Thu: Ekadasi (S)
10 May Sat: Pradosham Thryodasi
12 May Mon: Paurnami Full Moon till 28:55 am
15 May Thu: Vaikasi -1 Vrishabha Sankranti
23 May Fri: Ekadasi (K)
25 May Sun: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
27 May Tue: Ammavasya New Moon till 15:02 pm - Visuvavasu வைகாசி Vrishaba Hemant rithu Krithika/Rohinee after noon செவ்வாய் Mangala

June 2025

Sun 7:32 to 17:11 average for this month
2 Jun Mon: Sashti King's Birthday
7 Jun Sat: Ekadasi(S)
8 Jun Sun: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
11 Jun Wed: Paurnami Full Moon 19:43 pm
15 Jun Sun: Aani -1 Mithuna Sankranti
20 Jun Fri: Rewati Dasami Matariki
21 Jun Sat: Ekadasi(K)
23 Jun Mon: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
25 Jun Wed: Ammavasya New Moon 22:31 pm - Visuvavasu ஆனி Mithuna Shishir rithu மிருகசீரிடம் Mrigaseeroo புதன் Sowmya

July 2025

Sun 7:31 to 17:24 average for this month
6 Jul Sun: Ekadasi(S)
8 Jul Tue: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
10 Jul Thu: Paurnami Full Moon till 11 Jul 8:36 am
16 Jul Wed: Aadi -1 Karka Sankranti
22 Jul Tue: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
24 Jul Thu: Aadi Ammavasya after 9am - Visuvavasu ஆடி Karka Shishir rithu புனர்பூசம் Punarvasu வியாழன் Guru
25 Jul Fri: Ammavasya New Moon till 7:11 am

August 2025

Sun 7:03 to 17:48 average for this month
5 Aug Tue: Ekadasi(S)
7 Aug Thu: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
8 Aug Fri: Varalakshmi vradham - Visuvavasu ஆடி Karka Shishir rithu உத்திராடம் Uthrashada Chathurdasi(S) வெள்ளி Sukra
9 Aug Sat: Paurnami Full Moon till 19:55 pm - Yajur Upakarma Visuvavasu ஆடி Karka Shishir rithu திருவோணம் Sravana Paurnami சனி Sthira
16 Aug Sat: gokulashtami - Visuvavasu ஆடி Karka Shishir rithu Krithika (after 12:35pm) Aashtami(K) சனி Sthira
17 Aug Sun: Aavani -1 Simha Sankranti
19 Aug Tue: Ekadasi(K)
21 Aug Thu: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
23 Aug Sat: Ammavasya New Moon at 18:06 pm - Visuvavasu ஆவணி Simha Vasant rithu மகம் Makha சனி Sthira

September 2025

Sun 6:21 to 18:11 average for this month
3 Sep Wed: Ekadasi(S)
5 Sep Fri: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
7 Sep Sun: Paurnami Full Moon till 30:08 am
8 Sep Mon: Total Lunar Eclipse in Auckland, 3:28 am to 6:37 am Max 6:11 am
17 Sep Wed: Purratasi -1 Kanya Sankranti
18 Sep Thu: Ekadasi(K)
19 Sep Fri: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
21 Sep Sun: Ammavasya - Visuvavasu புரட்டாசி Kanya Vasant rithu பூரம் Poorvaphalguni ஞாயிறு Ravi
22 Sep Mon: Ammavasya till 7:54 am Partial Solar Eclipse in Auckland, 6:10 am to 8:04 am Maximum 6:55 am
27 Sep Sat: Labour Day
28 Sep Sun: Daylight saving starts at 2am

October 2025

Sun 6:36 to 19:38 average for this month
2 Oct Thu: Ekadasi(S)
5 Oct Sun: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
7 Oct Tue: Paurnami Full Moon till 16:47 pm
17 Oct Fri: Aiypasi -1 Tula Sankranti
18 Oct Sat: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
20 Oct Mon: Deepavali
21 Oct Tue: Ammavasya New Moon 25:25 am - Visuvavasu ஐப்பசி Tula Vasant rithu சித்திரை Chitraa செவ்வாய் Mangala

November 2025

Sun 6:03 to 20:08 average for this month
1 Nov Sat: Ekadasi(S)
3 Nov Mon: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
5 Nov Wed: Asvini Paurnami Full Moon till 26:19 am
16 Nov Sun: Kaarthigai-1 Vrishchika Sankranti
17 Nov Mon: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
20 Nov Thu: Ammavasya New Moon till 19:47 pm - Visuvavasu கார்த்திகை Vrischika Grishma rithu விசாகம் Vishakha வியாழன் Guru

December 2025

Sun 5:56 to 20:37 average for this month
1 Dec Mon: Ekadasi(S)
3 Dec Wed: Pradosham Thryodasi(S)
5 Dec Fri: Paurnami Full Moon till 12:14 pm
15 Dec Mon: Ekadasi(K)
16 Dec Tue: Maargazhi-1 Dhanur Sankranti
17 Dec Wed: Pradosham Thryodasi(K)
20 Dec Sat: Ammavasya New Moon till 14:43 pm - Visuvavasu மார்கழி Dhanur Grishma rithu மூலம் Moola Ammavasya சனி Sthira
25 Dec Thu: Christmas Day
26 Dec Fri: Boxing Day
30 Dec Tue: Ekadasi(S)

January 2026

Sun 6:18 to 20:42 average for this month
1 Jan Thu: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
3 Jan Sat: Paurnami Full Moon till 11:02 pm
14 Jan Wed: Thai-1 Makara sankranthi
16 Jan Fri: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
18 Jan Sun: Ammavasya -
19 Jan Mon: Ammavasya New Moon till 8:52 a.m
30 Jan Fri: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)

February 2026

Sun 6:15 to 20:19 average for this month
2 Feb Mon: Paurnami Full Moon till 11:09 am
13 Feb Fri: Maasi-1 Kumbha Sankranti
15 Feb Sun: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
17 Feb Tue: Ammavasya New Moon till 25:01 a.m

March 2026

Sun 7:20 to 19:38 average for this month
1 Mar Sun: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
3 Mar Tue: Paurnami Full Moon till 24:37 am
15 Mar Sun: Panguni-1 Meena Sankranti
16 Mar Mon: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
19 Mar Thu: Ammavasya New Moon till 14:23 pm 21 Mar Equinox 3:46 am
30 Mar Mon: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)

April 2026

Sun 6:46 to 17:55 average for this month
2 Apr Thu: Paurnami Full Moon: 15:11 pm
14 Apr Tue: Chitirai-1 Mesham Sankranti {Parabava Varsham}
15 Apr Wed: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
17 Apr Fri: Ammavasya New Moon: 23:51 pm
29 Apr Wed: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)

May 2026

Sun 7:13 to 17:22 average for this month
1 May Fri: Paurnami Full Moon till 29:23 am
14 May Thu: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
15 May Fri: Vaikasi-1 Vrishaba Sankranti
17 May Sun: Ammavasya New Moon till 8:01 am
28 May Thu: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
31 May Sun: Paurnami Full Moon till 20:45 pm

June 2026

Sun 7:32 to 17:11 average for this month
13 Jun Sat: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
15 Jun Mon: Aani-1 Mithuna Sankranti Ammavasya till New Moon 14:54 pm 21 Jun Solstice 8:24 pm
27 Jun Sat: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
29 Jun Mon: Paurnami Full Moon till 30 Jun11:56 am

July 2026

Sun 7:31 to 17:24 average for this month
12 Jul Sun: Prodosham Thryodasi(K) 13: 32
14 Jul Tue: Ammavasya New Moon: 21:43 pm
16 Jul Thu: Aadi-1 Karkata Sankranti
27 Jul Mon: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
29 Jul Wed: Paurnami Full Moon: 26:35 am


Sun 7:03 to 17:48 average for this month
10 Aug Mon: Prodosham Thryodasi(K) 13: 87
12 Aug Wed: Ammavasya New Moon: 29:36 am
17 Aug Mon: Aavani-1 Simha Sankranti
25 Aug Tue: Prodosham Thryodasi(S) 13: 12
28 Aug Fri: Paurnami Full Moon: 4:18 pm

September 2026

Sun 6:21 to 18:11 average for this month
9 Sep Wed: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
11 Sep Fri: Ammavasya New Moon: 3:27 pm
17 Sep Thu: Purratasi-1 Kanya Sankranti 23 Sep Equinox 12:05 pm NZST
24 Sep Thu: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
26 Sep Sat: Paurnami Full Moon: 29:49 am

October 2026

Sun 6:36 to 19:38 average for this month
8 Oct Thu: Prodosham Thryodasi(K) 13: 87
10 Oct Sat: Ammavasya New Moon: 28:50 am
17 Oct Sat: Aiypasi-1 Tula Sankranti
24 Oct Sat: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
26 Oct Mon: Paurnami Full Moon: 17:11 pm

November 2026

Sun 6:03 to 20:08 average for this month
6 Nov Fri: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
9 Nov Mon: Ammavasya New Moon: 20:02 pm
17 Nov Tue: Kaarthigai-1 Vrischika Sankranti
22 Nov Sun: Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
24 Nov Tue: Paurnami Full Moon: 27:53 am

December 2026

Sun 5:56 to 20:37 average for this month
6 Dec Sun: Prodosham Thryodasi(K)
9 Dec Wed: Ammavasya New Moon: 13:51 pm
16 Dec Wed: Maargazhi-1 Dhanur Sankranti
22 Dec Tue: Solstice 9:50 am Prodosham Thryodasi(S)
24 Dec Thu: Paurnami Full Moon: 14:28 pm
Other Similar web sites:
Many more web sites on this.

There are also many books on Indian astronomy and like:
(1) Indian Astronomy: An Introduction - S. Balachandra Rao (2) Indian Astronomy - A Sourcebook - B.V.Subbarayappa ... (3) Pre - Siddhantic Indian Astronomy by K.D. Abhyankar (4) Sûrya-Siddhânta: A Text-book of Hindu Astronomy (5) THE INDIAN CALENDAR Paperback - Robert Sewell (6) HINDU ASTRONOMY and Calendars of India by Exotic India Art (7) Indian Mathematics and Astronomy books by S. Balachandra Rao

hinduhome prayhome

Can Change JD also to recalculate

Below gives no of days from reference date which you can change
Days from:

Julian day No. (used by astronomers) gives number of days from noon on Monday, 1st January of year 4713 BCE. It can take negative values and independent of calendar system.
Above are based on average speed of planets over million years. Based on center of sun/moon/planets. Some use sun/moon disc appearance as start of events. Definitions widely vary. Light takes time to reach earth and also refraction/parallex error corrections. Will be variations among different systems in presenting final data.

Panchangams are Lunisolar based calendar and need positions of the Sun and the Moon to calculate parameters such as e.g. Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana and weekday. The day starts with sunrise. 11th day after Newmoon or fullmoon ekadasi. 13th day is Pradoshm or thrayodasi, followed by Shivaratri on 14th. Panchangam and almanac makers, also known as Panchangam Karta, use different methods to get stars's positions. Old methods which were quite handy to give correct positions of stars without doing lengthy calculations. Old calculations were written in form of statements or Vakya for easy memorization and understanding. These old methods have not been updated since centuries and star positions calculated by these methods might vary. Now many uses latest algorithms to get position of stars or use ephemeris published by astronomical observatories.

Other Panchang programs
(1) Panchangam program for any month and year
(2) Bio Rhythm Program
(3) Fun with numerology
(4) Planet position demo
(5) Some info on horoscopes

Days of week: Ravi/Banu, Soma/Indu, Mangala/Bauma, Budha/Sowmya, Guru, Sukra/Brugu, Shani/Sthira

Rasi (Month) - Nakshatras:
1 Mesham: Aswinee, Apabarani, Krittikaa(1)
2 Vrishabam: Krittika(2,3,4), Rohinee, Mirugasirsha(1,2)
3 Mithunam: Mirugasirsham(3,4), Ardra, Punarvasu(1,2,3)
4 Karkata: Punarvasu(4), Pushya, Aslesha
5 Simham: Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uthraphalguni(1)
6 Kanya: Uthraphalguni(2,3,4), Hastha, Chitra(1,2)
7 Tula: Chitra(3,4), Swathi, Vishakha(1,2,3)
8 Vrischikam: Vishakha(4), Anuradha, Jyeshta
9 Dhanur: Moola, Purvashada, Uthrashada(1)
10 Makaram: Uthrashada(2,3,4), Sravana, Dhanishta(1,2)
11 Kumbham: Dhanishta(3,4), Sathabhisha, Purvabhadrapada(1,2,3)
12 Meenam: Purvabhadrapada(4), Utharabhadrapada, Rewati

Tithi or thithi is a lunar day, or the time it takes for the longitudinal angle between the Moon and the Sun to increase by 12°. Varies in duration approximately a day.
They are: (1) Pratipada (2) Dwitiya (3) Tritiya (4) Chaturthi (5) Panchami (6) Shashthi (7) Saptami (8) Ashtami (Half Moon) (9) Navami (10) Dashami (11) Ekadasi (12) Dwadashi (13) Trayodashi (14) Chaturdashi (15) Ammavasya (New Moon) if krishna பக்ஷெ or Purnima (Full Moon) if sukla பக்ஷெ

Sankalpam during rituals is to say purpose, place and time
சுபே சோபனே முஹூர்த்தே
Puranic time line: ஆத்ய ப்ரஹ்மண: த்விதீய பரார்த்தே ச்வேதவராஹ கல்பே வைவஸ்வத மன்வந்தரே அஷ்டாவிம்சதி தமே கலியுகே ப்ரதமே பாதே,
Location: For auckland - shaka த்வீபே shantha வர்ஷெ venmegha தெஷெ auckland க்ராமெ (For India: ஜம்பூத்வீபே பாரத வர்ஷே பரதகண்டேமேரோ: தக்ஷிணே பார்ச்வே town etc) (Fill in for others: ... த்வீபே ... வர்ஷெ ... தெஷெ ... க்ராமெ)
Saka era 60 years Luni-solar calendar: ஷாலிவாஹன ஷகாப்தே அஸ்மின் வர்த்தமானே வ்யாவ ஹாரிகே ப்ரபவாதே ஷஷ்டி ஸம்வத்ஸராணாம் மத்யே (year name) நாம ஸம்வத்ஸரே (உத்தராயணெ/தக்ஷிணாயணெ) (season) ருதௌ (month) மாஸெ (star) நக்ஷத்ரயுக்தாயாம் (day) வாஸரயுக்தாயாம் (shukla/krishna) பக்க்ஷெ (tithi) புண்யதிதௌ.

Earth (land mass) with curvature looks like the back of a Turtle which, is a good representation of the slowly sliding Earth plates. Scriptures (Varaha, may be an ancient geographer) classified earth land mass (bhudevi) into seven dvipas and further sub-divided into the varshas or kingdoms, surrounded by seven seas, after deluge or ice age. Different scholars define regions or dvipa differently. Below is as per ancient Tamil literature and south asian trade notes. Seven regions or dvipa:
(1) Jambu dvipa (North, Central and Southern Asia - southern part is bharat);
(2) Plaksa dvipa (Mediterranean - some include north africa);
(3) Saimali dvipa (East Africa - some include west Africa also);
(4) Kusa dvipa (Middle east);
(5) Kraunca dvipa (Europe, some include America);
(6) Saka dvipa (South east asia, australasia);
(7) Puskara dvipa (East Asia and northern pacific islands, some include America);
SriVijaya dynasty, one of the largest south asian empire, calls their island/land swarnadvipa.
*dvipa meaning island or region or continent and most of them were named after a sacred tree , that was said to grow there.
*Bharatvarsha means land of the Bharata. Bharatakande refers to the territory ruled by Emperor Bharata.

சுபே (right activity/deeds?) சோபனே (well being?)
Good or right deeds at right place and time, will bring peace, prosperity and well being.
All these are mere formality to tell that you are sitting at a particular place and time, while doing certain activity (pooja).

Some Siddhantic system states that Mt Meru resides at the centre of globe and meridian line around 81 deg longitude.
Latitude and longitude of three holy mountain peaks.
Mount Kailash (6,638 m) 31.0675° N, 81.3119° E
Om Parvat (5,590 m) 30.1988° N, 81.0310° E
Adi Kailash (5,945 m) 30.3188° N, 80.6328° E
For more on Geography/dvipas

Like all cultures, geography has been developed with their land in the centre. Most of the names can be found in stories and travel/trade notes, after Mauryas. (many stories/reports less than 2000 years old). Ujjain ( 23.1765° N, 75.7885° E) is an ancient city, known for ancient astronomers like Aryabhatta and their works.

Two systems: tropical and sidereal

The tropical zodiac is entirely sun-based and based on the ecliptic orbit of earth rotation around sun. The sidereal zodiac or astronomical system, is based upon the position of the sun and grahas (as seen from earth) in relation to the star constellations as they appear in the night sky (measured in the early morning when the sun rises).

Seasons (Rithu) based on Shaka or Solar tropical calendar

Shaka calendar starting 78 CE, is based on equinox/solstice. It is Solar tropical calendar, like Gregarian. Seasons are based on equinox/solstice and it will not change with earths precision. So 6 seasons for Northern and southern hemisphere, as per Shaka calendar.
Saka MonthsSouthernNorthern
Chaitra (Mar 22/21*–Apr 20)Sharad RituVasant Ritu
Vaishakha (Apr 21-May 21)Hemant RituGrishma Ritu
Jyeshtha (May 22-Jun 21)Hemant RituGrishma Ritu
Ashadha (Jun 22- Jul 22)Shishir RituVarsha Ritu
Shravana (Jul 23-Aug 22)Shishir RituVarsha Ritu
Bhadrapada (Aug 23-Sep 22)Vasant RituSharad Ritu
Ashwin (Sep 23-Oct 22)Vasant RituSharad Ritu
Kartika (Oct 23-Nov 21)Grishma RituHemant Ritu
Agrahayana/Margshirsh (Nov 22-Dec 21)Grishma RituHemant Ritu
Pausha (Dec 22-Jan 20)Varsha RituShishir Ritu
Magha (Jan 21-Feb 19)Varsha RituShishir Ritu
Phalguna (Feb 20-Mar 21/20*)Sharad RituVasant Ritu
*During leap year

6 NZ Seasons (Rithu ருதௌ) based on rasis (solar sidereal)

Below is based on rasis or solar months, applicable for southern hemisphere. Rasi start angle, 12 Rasis, Solar, lunar or vedic month names:
Autumn, Sharath, குளிர்:
(1) 0°: Aries (Mesha சித்திரை, Chaitra, Madhu)
(2) 30°: Taurus (Vrishabha வைகாசி, Vaisakha, Madhava)
Early winter, Hemanta, முன்பனி:
(3) 60°: Gemini (Mithuna ஆனி, Jyeshtha, Sukra)
(4) 90°: Cancer (Karkata ஆடி, Ashadha, Suchi)
Late Winter, Sishira, பின்பனி:
(5) 120°: Leo (Simha ஆவணி, Shravana, Nabhas)
(6) 150°: Virgo (Kanya புரட்டாசி, Bhadrapada, Nabhasya)
Spring, Vasanta, இளவேனில்:
(7) 180°: Libra (Tula ஐப்பசி, Ashvina, Isa)
(8) 210°: Scorpio (Vrischika கார்த்திகை, Kartika, Urja)
Summer, Grishma, முதுவேனில்:
(9) 240°: Sagittarius (Dhanur மார்கழி, Margasirsha/Agahana, Sahas)
(10) 270°: Capricorn (Makara தை, Pausha, Sahasya)
Rainy, Varsha, கார்:
(11) 300°: Aquarius (Kumbha மாசி, Magha, Tapas)
(12) 330°: Pisces (Meena பங்குனி, Phalguna, Tapasya)

New Zealand's four Seasons with Starting Date (approximate)

(1) Summer: 22 December Solstice
(2) Autumn: 22 March Equinox
(3) Winter: 22 June Solstice
(4) Spring: 22 September Equinox

Uttarayan - Dakshinayan

Uttarayan is derived from: "uttara" (North) and "ayana" (movement) thus indicating a the northward movement of Sun, which occurs around 22 December Solstice (winter solstice for northern hemisphere) and continues for a six-month period through to the summer solstice around June 21. Dakshinayana is around from June 22 to December 21.
Some use Uttarayana as the period between Makara and Karka Sankranti. Dakshinayana is between Karka and Makara Sankranti


1 Praana = 4 seconds
1 Vinadi = 6 Praanas = 24 seconds
1 Ghatika (nazhi) = 60 Vinadis = 360 Praanas = 24 minutes
1 Muhurtha = 2 Ghatikas = 48 minutes
1 day = 60 Ghatikas = 3600 Vinadis = 21600 Praanas
One year made up of 6 seasons of 60 days or 360 days. Extra days were treated as divine days.
Later changed to months based on Sun movement along 12 zodiac signs, a month being a period to cross each zodiac. Two months account for one season.
There are 30 Muhurthas in an entire day. These 30 Muhurtha are further divided into 15 Muhurtha from sunrise to sunset and 15 Muhurats from sunset to the next day’s sunrise. Abhijit Muhurtha is the middle portion of the 15 Muhurtha.
Day starts from sunrise and ends in the next day’s sunrise.


All Calendars are broadly of three types:
(1) Solar calendar (saura maana) based on:
(a) seasonal (equinox) and (b) Sun transit along zodiac (in elliptic)
(2) Lunar calendar (chaandra maana) based on:
(a) phases (waxing, waning, tithi or thyathi). Lunar month is marked from Purnima to Purnima (Purnimanta method) or from Amavasya to Amavasya (Amanta method). Synodic month is 29.5306 days and
(b) Moon transit along zodiac (in elliptic) with reference to 27 or 28 constellations or stars. Nakshatra or star-clusters or constellations, which lie along the ecliptic, or path of the sun/moon. An individual's nakshatra, or birth star, is the constellation, to which moon was aligned at the time of birth. sidereal month 27.321661 days
(3) Indian systems uses mixing both in different combination. So there are many lunisolar calendar systems in use.
A Solar year is the time taken by Sun in its passage from one equinoctical point back to same point = 365.242 days. A sidereal year is time taken for Sun to move from one star, and then come back to same star which is 365.256 days. Solar year is shorter than sidereal year by about 19 minutes and 50 seconds and is said to be caused by inertial effects. It is called Earth's Precession.
A Lunar year is made up of 12 lunar months and an extra month added periodically to account for extra days. Moon represents our thought or mind, whereas Sun signifies our action (body).

Note on Tamil Calendars:

1) Gregorian:
2) Saka era: Ancient Ujjain system, dated from Salivahan emperor based on equinox,
3) Tamil 1*: Day in sequence in Solar month
4) Tamil 2*: Day name as nakshatra in Solar month
Example: for 1 Jan 2025 Wed (Gregorian calendar)
Date/Month/Year as per different system mentioned in Tamil calenders :
1) Gregorian: 1/Jan/2025 Wednesday
2) Saka era : 1/Pausha/1946 (based on equinox, synchronus with Gregorian)
3) Tamil 1*: 17/மார்கழி/Kurothi year
4) Tamil 2*: உத்திராடம் Uthrashada/மார்கழி Dhanur/Kurothi year

Samvatsara or Year

Indian National Calendar is based on Saka era, founded by King Shalivahana of the Shatavahana dynasty 22 March Equinox on 78CE. From 664 BCE to 291 CE, Aswin (Beta Arietis) was the raising star during March Equinox. From 1245 CE to 2200 CE, Uttarattadhi (Gama Pegasi) was the raising star during March Equinox.

Kalacakra calendar in use, 60 year cycle starting with Prabhava, is by Pandita Somanatha of Kashmir/Himalayas, in 367 CE. Vernal equinox of 367 CE is Prabava Varsham. The earth's axis wobble that causes the precession of the equinoxes is approximately 25,920 years or 432 sixty year cycles. (72 years per degree or 960 years per star. Current estimate by astronomers is 25,772 years or 71.5888 years per degree or 954.5185 years per star)

Yugadi (start of Yuga or new age) is the New Year's Day. Yugadi or Ugadi falls on the first day of the bright half of the luni solar month of Chaitra.

Tamil new year is on Mesha sankranthi, when sun enters Mesha rasi (0 deg or aswini nakshatra)

Samvatsara means any year. Like solar year, there is also Jovian year, based on the relative position of the planet Jupiter in 12 rasis. The solar year is called varsha. Surya Siddhanta calculates the Jovian year to be about 361.0267 days, shorter than the Earth-based solar year.

Chandranath introduced lunisolar calendar and cycle of 60 years in Tibet and China. The Chinese 12-year cycle based on 12 animals is an approximation to the orbital period of Jupiter: Rat; Ox; Tiger; Rabbit; Dragon; Snake; Horse; Goat; Monkey; Rooster; Dog; and Pig. 12 is divisible by two, every zodiac sign can occur only as either Yin or Yang. The Tibetan calendar also counts years using a 60-year cycle based on 12 animals and 5 elements — Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Year name for different Years

Each year has been given a name. Once all 60 samvatsaras are over, the cycle starts over again.

(1)1927&1987:பிரபவ Prabhava
(2)1928&1988:விபவ Vibhava
(3)1929&1989:சுக்ல Sukla
(4)1930&1990:பிரமோதூத Pramothootha
(5)1931&1991:பிரஜோத்பத்தி Prajothpathi
(6)1932&1992:ஆங்கிரச Aangirasa
(7)1933&1993:ஸ்ரீமுக Srimuga
(8)1934&1994:பவ Bhava
(9)1935&1995:யுவ Yuva
(10)1936&1996:தாது Thaathu
(11)1937&1997:ஈஸ்வர Eswara
(12)1938&1998:பகுதான்ய Paguthaanya
(13)1939&1999:பிரமாதி Pramaathi
(14)1940&2000:விக்ரம Vikrama
(15)1941&2001:விஷு Vishu
(16)1942&2002:சித்ரபானு Chitrabaanu
(17)1943&2003:சுபானு Subaanu
(18)1944&2004:தாரண Thaarana
(19)1945&2005:பார்த்திப Paarthiba
(20)1946&2006:விய Viya
(21)1947&2007:ஸர்வஜித்து Sarvajithu
(22)1948&2008:ஸர்வதாரி Sarvathaari
(23)1949&2009:விரோதி Virothi
(24)1950&2010:விக்ருதி Vikruthi
(25)1951&2011:கர Kara
(26)1952&2012:நந்தன Nanthana
(27)1953&2013:விஜய Vijeya
(28)1954&2014:ஜய Jeya
(29)1955&2015:மன்மத Manmatha
(30)1956&2016:துர்முகி Thurmugi
(31)1957&2017:ஹேவிளம்பி Heyvilambi
(32)1958&2018:விளம்பி Vilambi
(33)1959&2019:விகாரி Vikari
(34)1960&2020:சார்வரி Saarvari
(35)1961&2021:பிலவ Pilava
(36)1962&2022:சுபகிருது Subakiruthu
(37)1963&2023:சோபகிருது Sobakiruthu
(38)1964&2024:குரோதி Kurothi
(39)1965&2025:விசுவாவசு Visuvaavasu
(40)1966&2026:பராபவ Paraabava
(41)1967&2027:பிலவங்க Pilavanga
(42)1968&2028:கீலக Keelaga
(43)1969&2029:சௌமிய Sowmia
(44)1970&2030:சாதாரண Sathaarana
(45)1971&2031:விரோதிகிருது Virothikiruthu
(46)1972&2032:பரிதாபி Parithaabi
(47)1973&2033:பிரமாதீச Pramaatheesa
(48)1974&2034:ஆனந்த Aanantha
(49)1975&2035:ராக்ஷஸ Raachasha
(50)1976&2036:நள Nala
(51)1977&2037:பிங்கள Pingala
(52)1978&2038:காளயுக்தி Kaalayukthi
(53)1979&2039:சித்தார்த்திரி Sidtharthiri
(54)1980&2040:ரௌத்த்ரி Rowthiri
(55)1981&2041:துன்மதி Thunmathi
(56)1982&2042:துந்துபி Thunthubi
(57)1983&2043:ருத்ரோத்காரி Rudhrothkaari
(58)1984&2044:ரக்தாக்ஷி Rakthaakshi
(59)1985&2045:குரோதன Kurothana
(60)1986&2046:அக்ஷய Akshaya

Julian date or Julian day No.

The Julian day number is based on the Julian Period proposed by Joseph Scaliger in 1583. Julian day No. (used by astronomers) gives number of days from noon on Monday, 1st January of year 4713 BCE or 3 Agrahayana -4791 Saka Era. It can take negative values and independent of calendar system. The Julian day notation is so deeply embedded in astronomy that it is unlikely to be displaced at any time in the foreseeable future. It is an ideal system for storing dates in computer programs, free of cultural bias and discontinuities at various dates, and can be readily transformed into other calendar systems. Julian Day Number on 1st Jan 1 CE is 1,721,424 Saturday.
Julian Day No calculator

Why leap year?

1) The mean sidereal year is the time taken for the Sun (actually Earth) to complete one revolution of its orbit, as measured against a fixed frame of reference (such as the fixed stars aswin). Its average duration is 365.256363004 days (approx 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds)
2) The mean tropical year 365.24219878 days is defined as the period of time for the mean ecliptic longitude of the Sun to increase by 360 degrees. Sun's ecliptic longitude is measured with respect to the equinox, the tropical year comprises a complete cycle of the seasons. Because of the Earth's axial precession, this year is about 20 minutes shorter than the sidereal year.
*Different almanac uses different reference points and error correction. Where we see, is not where graha is. Light takes time to reach earth and also refraction/parallex and many error corrections.

On any system, all values will be in fractions to many decimal places. So, new years day will be starting middle of day. For example in India, Tamil New Year (sidereal year) will be on 14 April 2023 Friday 15:10 pm IST (15:10.367342). Date/time will also change from place to place.

It is not prectical to change new year this way. We can not change airline, railway and bus ticket on middle of the day, corrected to micro or nano seconds. If bank has to issue interest based on this, there will be enough confusion. So, fraction has to be rounded off. After every 4 years, 365 becomes 366 (which is called leap year). Thanks to experts/mathematicians who have developed a simple rounding off algorithm and making our life easy. Gregarian calendar has documented this by implementing a smart formula. Similar correction is also used in Shaka calendar, which is Solar tropical calendar, like Gregarian. 22 Mar 2023 Wed is Saka New year: 1945 Date 1 - Month Chaitra
*As 0.24219878 day is less than 1/4, extra leap day addded to only those century years exactly divisible by 400 and not exactly divisible by 4,000.

Luni-solar: extra lunar month

1 solar year will be 12 or 13 lunar month, each lunar month = 29.5305861853113 days. Metonic cycle is 19 years or 235 lunar months or approx 6940 days
To match solar and lunar cycles, there will be 7 extra lunar months during 3,6,9,11,14,17,19 cycle called extra or adhika month. (Correction made after every 33 or 34th month during 19 years Metonic cycle)

Overview of Calendars

The Romans originally counted years from the founding of the city (Rome) on April 21, 753 BC. Julius Caesar instituted a new calendar in 45 BC, called the Julian calendar. It had years of 365 days and leap years of 366 days every fourth year. The Gregorian calendar modified the addition of leap days, such that a century year (divisible by 100) was only counted as a leap year if it was also divisible by 400. The Gregorian year length of 365.2425 days is much closer than Julian year length of 365.25 days, to the true year length 365.24219 days. They dropped 10 days, following 4 October 1582 immediately with 15 October 1582. There was no year zero in this system - that is, the year 1 BC was followed by 1 AD. There is also lot of mix up between Gregorian and Julian calendar system. For any given event during the years from 1901 through 2099, the Julian calendar date is 13 days behind its corresponding Gregorian date

Variety of calendars have been and continue to be used in the Indian subcontinent. Saka calendar (22-3-78 AD) was initiated by Shalivahana or Satavahana king Gautamiputra Satakarni. Shaka Samvat is based on solar months and solar tropical years. The first indication of a relationship between King Shalivahana and the Saka era was authenticated by the Kannada work Udbhatakavya by Somaraja. The Saka calendar is used also by the Indonesian Hindus in Bali and Java. Some use Kali Yuga as reference, which began on 18 February 3102 BCE (Surya Siddhanta?) or a rare planetary alignment on 7 February 3104 BCE (JDNo 587696).

The Vikram Samvat is named after the king Vikramaditya and also known as Krita and Malava calendar. It starts at 57 B.C. (24-4-57BC purnima) This is a calendar based on the movement of the moon and has 354 days in a year. It uses the lunar months and solar sidereal years for the division of a year. An extra month called adhik maas appears, roughly once every three years (or 7 times in a 19-year cycle). The Vikram Samvat has 12 months with each month divided into two phases: Shukla paksha – new moon to full moon and Krishna paksha – full moon to new moon. The lunisolar Vikram Samvat calendar is 56.7 years (20,709 days) ahead of the solar Gregorian calendar.

The great Iranian mathematician and poet Omar Khayyam, proposed solar calendar, based on one from the Persian Achaemenian period in the 6th century BC. The year was computed from the March equinox (Nowruz), and each month was determined by the transit of the sun into the corresponding zodiac region, similar to Indian system of the Surya Siddhanta (Surya=solar, Siddhanta=analysis). Eight leap days in every cycle of 33 years, makes 365.2424242424242424 days per year. The Iranian Solar calendar produces a five-year leap year interval after about every seven four-year leap year intervals.

Gregorian year 2020 CE corresponds, respectively with:
1.Year 5121 Kaliyuga calendar;
2.Year 2564 Buddha Nirvana calendar;
3.Year 2563 Buddhist Era (BE) of the Thai solar calendar
4.Year 2077 Bikram Samvat calendar;
5.Year 1942 Saka or Shalivahana Sakabda (78AD);
6.Year 1941 Vedanga Jyotisa calendar;
7.Year 1427 Bengali calendar;
8.Year 534 Gaurabda Gaudiya calendar;
9.Year 1196 Malayalam calendar or Kolla Varsham calendar.

Click to kanow today in many calendar system What day is today in many calendar system

Actual and Appearnce of Grahas

Calculations are based on average speed of planets over million years. Based on center of sun/moon/planets. Some use sun/moon disc appearance as start of events.
The position of an heavenly object will depend on:
1) light-time correction, which is caused by the finite time it takes light from a moving body to reach the observer.
2) Aberration – a deflection caused by the velocity of the observer's motion around the Earth's centre, due to its rotation.
3) Parallax – the apparent change in position due to the object being viewed from different places as the observer's position rotates around the Earth's axis.
4) Atmospheric refraction – a deflection of the light from the object caused by its passage through the Earth's atmosphere.
5) Nutation – shorter-term variations in the direction of the Earth's axis of rotation.
6) Earth’s moon (or its sun) appears larger on the horizon than when it is higher in the sky. Although its angular dimensions remain constant, humans perceive the Moon to be larger when it is near the horizon.

There are different methods and definition, on calculating the dates and times. So, one can follow what he/she likes or comfortable with. Apparent position, size and shape are also optical illusions.

Equinox and Solstice

During the equinox, the Earth’s axis and its orbit line up so that both hemispheres get an equal amount of sunlight. The word equinox comes from two Latin words meaning equal and night. Theday and night last almost the same amount of time. The Equinoxes are turning points in the solar cycle of the seasons. During these two points of the year, the Earth's axis is at 0° to the Sun. In Sanskrit, the Equinox is Viṣuva — विषुव and in Tamil சம பகல் இரவு.

The solstices mark the times during the year when the Earth is at its most extreme tilt toward or away from the sun. During the June solstice, the upper half of the earth is tilted in toward the sun, creating the longest day and shortest night of the year, for the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest day and longest night for the Southern Hemisphere. Similarly During the December solstice, the the lower half of the earth is tilted in toward the sun. December solstice is Uttarayan or கதிர் வடதிருப்பம். June solstice is Dakshinayan கதிர் தென்திருப்பம்.

Astronomical seasons depend on how the Earth moves around the sun. Equinoxes mark the start of spring and autumn. Solstices kick off summer and winter.

Some key constants used

Nakshatras system:

Daksha, (may be chaldean origin), identified and named 28 stars and all stars are considered as his daughter. The North and South celestial poles do not remain permanently fixed against the background of the stars. Due to precession of the equinoxes, the poles trace out circles on the celestial sphere, with a period of about 25,700 years. North pole identified by polar-star, is part of porpoise-like constellation (stars of Cassiopeia make its tail, Andromeda and Triangulum form its body, and Aries makes its head)
28 star system was changed to 27 star system by Badra, by deleting Abhijit. This gave to mythological story, Daksha's human head was cut and replaced with mesha head. So, new star system starts with Krittika in mesha rasi. Now first star is Ashvini. Below 27 stars with tamil and astronomical names are listed. Angle with reference to Aswin are given in degrees. Currently, Aswin rises at 31 Deg on March Equinox. For simplification, all stars are assumed to be equally distributed at 13.33 deg from one another, starting with Mesha rasi at 0 deg.
Tamil listSanskiritGreekChineseArabSun sign or alignmentdeg from aswinTheoretical
அஸ்வினிAshwiniAlpha Aries*PeihAl Fargh al Thani14 Apr00
பரணிBharaniDelta AriesGoeiAl Batn al Hut28 Apr1113.33
கார்த்திகைKrittika*PleiadesLeuAl Sharatain12 May2626.67
ரோகிணிRohiniAldebaranOeiAl Butain26 May3840
மிருகசீரிடம்MrigashiraOrionisMao*Al Thurayya*9 Jun5153.33
திருவாதிரைAardhraBetelgeusePiAl Dabaran23 Jun6766.67
புனர்பூசம்PunarvasuCastor and PolluxTseeAl Hak'ah7 Jul8480
பூசம்PushyaPraesepe CancriShenAl Han'ah21 Jul9393.33
ஆயில்யம்AashleshaHydraeTsingAl Dhira4 Aug104106.67
மகம்MaghaaRegulusKweiAl Nathrah18 Aug121120
பூரம்PubbaLeonisLieuAl Tarf1 Sep137133.33
உத்திரம்UttaraDenebolaSing,Al Jabhah14 Sep146146.67
அஸ்தம்HastaaCorviChangAl Zubrah28 Sep159160
சித்திரைChitraSpicaYenAl Sarfah11 Oct172173.33
சுவாதிSwatiArcturusTchinAl Awwa24 Oct183186.67
விசாகம்VishakaLibraeKioAl Simak5 Nov193200
அனுஷம்AnooradhaScorpionisKangAl Ghafr20 Nov209213.33
கேட்டைJyeshtaAntaresTiAl Jubana4 Dec217226.67
மூலம்MoolaLamda ScorpionisFangIklil al Jabhah17 Dec229240
பூராடம்PoorvashadaSigma SagittariiSinAl Kalb29 Dec251253.33
உத்திராடம்UttaraShadaDelta SagittariiWeiAl Shaulah12 Jan272266.67
AbhijitVegaKiAl Na'am
திருவோணம்ShravanaAltair or AquilaeTowAl Baldah25 Jan294280
அவிட்டம்DhanishtaDelta DelphinisNieuAl Sa'd al Dhabih7 Feb304293.33
சதயம்ShatabhishaSigma AquariiMoAl Sa'd al Bula20 Feb312306.67
பூரட்டாதிPoorva BhadraAlpha PegasiHeuAl Sa'd al Su'ud5 Mar329320
உத்திரட்டாதிUttara BhadraGama Pegasi (Andromedae)GuiAl Sa'd al Ahbiyah18 Mar341.5333.33
ரேவதிRevathiPisciumShihAl Fargh al Mukdim31 Mar351.5346.67

* represents first nakshatra for the particular system during initial period.


Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, Roman, and many cultures began their new year with the fall equinox. Around 1800 years back the day Sun enters Makara Rashi (Capricorn) was coinciding with the day of Uttarayana or Winter Solstice or Surya beginning Northern journey (Northern hemisphere). This happens to be harvest season. It is also Thiruvalluvar new year or early Tamil New Year. start a year with winter or December solstice (Dec 23). Because of Leap year calculation errors, Gregorian new year shifted by 7 or 8 days. Because of earth's precession, Tamil new year shifted by 21 or 22 days.

Mesopotamians and early vedics celebrated around the time of the vernal equinox, March 23 (Current Hindu Saka calendar). Saka era or Shalivahana Sakabda is the vernal equinox of the year AD 78. Later many Indian systems shifted new year from solstice to March Equinox, during the time of Bhadra, Indian astronomer.

Hindu calendar is a collective name for most of the luni-sidereal calendars and Shalivahana calendar in the Deccan States of Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh

Buddhist Era starts on 543 or 544 BC, replaced by Vikrama Samvat calendar which began in 56 BC. Astronomical calculations are based on Kaliyuga start alignment on 3102 BC (by Aryabhatta). There are other eras such as: Vedanga Jyotisa; Gaurabda Gaudiya; and Kolla Varsham.

Note: Indian festival and ritual days have to be recalculated for Auckland, New Zealand 36° 55' S 174° 45' E, based on original data for Ujjain 23° 11' North 75° 47' East.
Long time back, patronized by maharajahs, few astronomers have calculated corrections to be applied for all important places in India. After this not much work has been done.
The centre of the Sun's and Moon's disk are used for rise and set calculations. The refraction is ignored. Due to refraction the Sun becomes visible even when it is below eastern or western horizon. Light takes some time to travel from sun.
Equinoxes are referred as March Equinox (Northern Equinox) and September Equinox (Southern Equinox). During Equinoxes the tilt of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is 0° and around that time, duration of the day and the night are almost equal

Timings for Auckland

Panchang or almanac calculations are based on the planetary motions including Sun & Moon. A day begins with the sunrise, and ends with the next day sunrise (between the two sunrises). The tithi is based on a relationship between the Sun and the Moon. They are traditional units of Indian timekeeping.
Earlier days (even 100 years back), almanac people do not use hour-min system. Indian standard time is the latest development. Many never use clock. They observe sun/moon/planets/stars for time keeping. Gregorian calendar day start at 12:00 pm.
Traditional people still use நாழி விநாடி
உதயாதி நாழிகை என்பது அன்றைக்கு சூரிய உதயத்தில் இருந்து குறிப்பிட்ட நேரம் வரையில் உள்ள கால அளவாகும். Ex: ஜெனன கால சூரிய உதயாதி நாழி 23 விநாடி 31

Vashistha, Surya siddhanta, Bhaskaracharya, and Tithi Chinatamani all says one thing. Wherever you are, according to the time of that place, take the panchang as seen by drika ganitha as per that place. The drik ganita, means calculations corresponding to observable reality. Based on mathematical equations and observations. So, panchang is like sky map locating stars and planets and you can not use one city map to navigate in another city.

Rahukaalam or the period of Rahu is a certain amount of time every day that is considered inauspicious for any new venture, as per south Indian astrology (belief). 1/8th part of each day is termed as the Rahu Kalam(The period of the north node).

Approximate average time each month in Auckland
Timings for Auckland

Tamil Yogam

C – chittha yogam A – amritha yogam M – marana Yogam

Metonic cycle

Metonic cycle is 19 years or 235 lunar months or 254 sidereal months or approx 6940 days
A common multiple of the sidereal solar year and the sidereal/synodic (lunar) month.
With in 19 years, every 8 and 11 are close match. There will be 7 extra lunar months during 3,6,9,11,14,17,19 cycle called adhika month
Callippic cycle, a 76-year cycle with a more accurate approximation = 27759 days.
Tamil Solar New year will be on new moon in 2010 and on full moon in 2014.
yearMetonic cyclefull sidereal monthsfull synodic monthsidereal Lag -Leadsynodic Lag -Lead
0{ 19-38-57-76}0000
1{ 20-39-58-77}131210.1 - 17.210.9 - 18.6
2{ 21-40-59-78}262420.1 - 7.221.8 - 7.8
3{ 22-41-60-79}40*37*2.9 - 24.43.1 - 26.4
4{ 23-42-61-80}534913.0 - 14.314.0 - 15.5
5{ 24-43-62-81}666123.1 - 4.324.9 - 4.6
6{ 25-44-63-82}80*74*5.8 - 21.56.3 - 23.3
7{ 26-45-64-83}938615.9 - 11.417.2 - 12.4
8{ 27-46-65-84}1069826.0 - 1.428.1 - 1.5
9{ 28-47-66-85}120*111*8.7 - 18.69.4 - 20.1
10{ 29-48-67-86}13312318.8 - 8.520.3 - 9.2
11{ 30-49-68-87}147*136*1.5 - 25.81.7 - 27.9
12{ 31-50-69-88}16014811.6 - 15.712.5 - 17.0
13{ 32-51-70-89}17316021.7 - 5.623.4 - 6.1
14{ 33-52-71-90}187*173*4.4 - 22.94.8 - 24.7
15{ 34-53-72-91}20018514.5 - 12.815.7 - 13.8
16{ 35-54-73-92}21319724.6 - 2.726.6 - 3.0
17{ 36-55-74-93}227*210*7.3 - 20.07.9 - 21.6
18{ 37-56-75-94}24022217.4 - 9.918.8 - 10.7
19{ 38-57-76-95}254*235*0.2 - 27.20.2 - 29.4
385084700.3 - 27.00.4 - 29.2
577627050.5 - 26.80.5 - 29.0
7610169400.6 - 26.70.7 - 28.8
95127011750.8 - 26.50.9 - 28.7

Galactic center

ALIGNMENT of Sun, Earth and galactic center align during Dec/Jan (solar month Sagittarius or Dhanur). Moon will also align during New/Full moon. The center of the Milky Way galaxy has the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*, located in the middle. Called Krishna meaning dark, by Ranganatha (ancient bed ridden astronomer/chittar, with sharp eyes like eagle). Later astronomer was converted to Lord Renganatha and mythological stories developed around him.
After 10 day of GALACTIC ALIGNMENT, 11th day will be Vaikuntha Ekadashi. Moon will set in Krittika and Rohinee nakshatras before sunrise. So one can see bright moon sets bafore sunrise. During the first part of the month of Dhanur, sun rises in Moola nakshatra. Just before sunrise, nakshatras see Vishakha and Anuradha can be seen.
Dhanur month is harvesting month followed by Makaram where one will have wealth by selling agricultural produce.
Sagittarius A* is located near the border of the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius, about 5.6° south of the ecliptic, visually close to the Butterfly Cluster and Lambda Scorpii.
Eagles are widely regarded as having the best eyesight in the world, helping them to maintain sharp focus and perception at all times

Ancient Tamil Names

Stars: மீன், தாரகை
1) அஸ்வினி: பரி, புரவி, வாசி, ஐப்பசி, இரலை, ஏறு, யாழ், தலை நாள், மருத்து நாள், சென் பூதம்
2) பரணி: காடுகிழவோன், தாழி, அடுப்பு, முக்கூட்டு, வேழம், சோறு, பகடு
3) கார்த்திகை: அறுமீன், அழல், ஆரல், அளக்கர், எரி, அங்கி, ஆல், ஆறாமீன், அறுவாய், இறால், நாடன், வாணன், தழல்
4) ரோகிணி: மாட்டு வண்டி, உருள், வையம், ஊறல், சதி, அயன் நாள், தேர், சகடம்
5) மிருகசீரிடம்: மான் தலை, மாழ்கு, மும்மீன், நரிப்புறம், பாலை வெய்யோன்
6) திருவாதிரை: செங்கை, யாழ், சடை, இறைநாள், மூதிரை
7) புனர்பூசம்: கழை, கரும்பு, ஆவனம், ஏரி, பிண்டி, மூங்கில், பாலை
8) பூசம்: கொடிறு, வண்டு, காற்குளம், அண்டம், குருவின் நாள்
9) ஆயில்யம்: அரவு நாள், கௌவை, பாம்பு
10) மகம்: வேள்வி, வேட்டுவன், கொடுங்கம், வாய்க்கால், மாசி, எழுவாயெழுஞ்சனி
11) பூரம்: எலி, கணை, துர்க்கை, பகவதி
12) உத்திரம்: மானேறு, கதிர்நாள், பாற்குனி
13) அஸ்தம்: ஐவிரல், கைம் மீன் , களிறு காமரம், அங்கிநாள், கௌத்துவம், நவ்வி, கயினி
14) சித்திரை: நெய்ம்மீன், பயறு, அறுவை, நடுநாள், ஆடை, தூசு, சுவை, தச்சன், நேர்வான்
15) சுவாதி: விளக்கு, வீழ்க்கை, வெறுநுகம், மரக்கால், காற்றினாள், முத்து, பவள, சோதி, அனில், காற்று
16) விசாகம்: முறம், முறில், சுளகு, காற்றினாள், வைகாசி, சேட்டை
17) அனுஷம்: பனை, புள்தேள், நட்புநாள், புல், தாளி, பெண்ணை, தேள், போந்தை
18) கேட்டை: தழல், துளங்கொளி, வல்லாரை, சேட்டை, வேதி, எரி, பின்று
19) மூலம்: அன்றில், வில், குருகு, கொக்கு, தேட்கடை, சிலை, ஆனி
20) பூராடம்: உடைகுளம், முற்குளம், நீர்நாள்
21) உத்திராடம்: ஆடி, கடைக் குளம், ஆனி, விச்சுவ நாள்
22) திருவோணம்: முக்கோல், உலக்கை, மாயோன் நாள், முக்கோல், சோணை, வயிரம்
23) அவிட்டம்: பறவை, காக்கை, புள், ஆவணி
24) சதயம்: நீர்நாள், செக்கு, குன்று, போர், சுண்டன்
25) பூரட்டாதி: நாழி, முக்கொழுங்கோல், புரட்டை
26) உத்திரட்டாதி: மன்னன், பிற்கொழுங்கோல்
27) ரேவதி: இரவி நாள், கலம், தோணி, நாவாய், தொழு, பஃறி, சூலம், பெரு நாள், பூடா நாள், கடை மீன்

Other prominent stars
1) *Ursa Major or Saptharishi - எழுமீன்
2) *Northern star, Alcor - சாலினி – அருந்ததி
3) *Meteor - விசும்பு வீழ் கொள்ளி
4) * Comet - மைம்மீன், தூமம்

1) Planet or heavenly bodies: கோள் – கிரகம்
2) Earth, world: வையகம், ஞாலம், உலகம்
3) Sun: சுடர் – கதிரவன், ஞாயிறு, திகிரி, பகலோன், பருதி
4) Moon: திங்கள், நிலா, மதி
5) Mars: படிமகன், செவ்வாய்
6) Mercury: புந்தி – புதன்
7) Jupiter: வியாழன், அந்தணன்
8) Venus: வெண்மீன் – வெள்ளி, வைகல் மீன் – காலை விண்மீன்
9) Saturn: சனி, மைம்மீன்
10) Rahu and Ketu: பாம்பு

Rasi or Zodiac or month:
1) Aries மேஷம் : சித்திரை, மேழம், வருடை
2) Taurus ரிஷபம் : வைகாசி, விடை, ஏற்றியல்
3) Gemini மிதுனம்: ஆனி, ஆடவை
4) Cancer கடகம்: ஆடி
5) Leo சிம்மம்: ஆவணி, மடங்கல்
6) Virgo கன்னி: புரட்டாசி, கன்னி
7) Libra துலாம்: ஐப்பசி, துலை
8) Scorpio விருச்சிகம்: கார்த்திகை, நளி
9) Sagittarius தனுசு: மார்கழி, சிலை
10) Capricorn மகரம்: தை, சுறவம்
11) Aquarius கும்பம்: மாசி்
12) Pisces மீனம்: பங்குனி, வருடை

Year names:
1) பிரபவ: நற்றோன்றல்
2) விபவ: உயர்தோன்றல்
3) சுக்ல: வெள்ளொளி
4) பிரமோதூத: பேருவகை
5) பிரசோற்பத்தி: மக்கட்செல்வம்
6) ஆங்கீரச: அயல்முனி
7) ஸ்ரீமுக: திருமுகம்
8) பவ: தோற்றம்
9) யுவ: இளமை
10) தாது: மாழை
11) ஈஸ்வர: ஈச்சுரம்
12) வெகுதானிய: கூலவளம்
13) பிரமாதி: முன்மை
14) விக்கிரம: நேர்நிரல்
15) விஷு: விளைபயன்
16) சித்திரபானு: ஓவியக்கதிர்
17) சுபானு: நற்கதிர்
18) தாரண: தாங்கெழில்
19) பார்த்திப: நிலவரையன்
20) விய: விரிமாண்பு
21) சர்வசித்து: முற்றறிவுயாவுந்திறல்
22) சர்வதாரி: முழுநிறைவு
23) விரோதி: தீர்பகை
24) விக்ருதி: வளமாற்றம்
25) கர: செய்நேர்த்தி
26) நந்தன: நற்குழவி
27) விஜய: உயர்வாகை
28) ஜய: வாகை
29) மன்மத: காதன்மை
30) துன்முகி: வெம்முகம்
31) ஹேவிளம்பி: பொற்றடை
32) விளம்பி: அட்டி
33) விகாரி: எழில்மாறல்
34) சார்வரி: வீறியெழல்
35) பிலவ: கீழறை
36) சுபகிருது: நற்செய்கை
37) சோபகிருது: மங்கலம்
38) குரோதி: பகைக்கேடு
39) விசுவாசுவ: உலகநிறைவு
40) பரபாவ: அருட்டோற்றம்
41) பிலவங்க: நச்சுப்புழை
42) கீலக: பிணைவிரகு
43) சௌமிய: அழகு
44) சாதாரண: பொதுநிலை
45) விரோதகிருது: இகல்வீறு
46) பரிதாபி: கழிவிரக்கம்
47) பிரமாதீச: நற்றலைமை
48) ஆனந்த: பெருமகிழ்ச்சி
49) ராட்சச: பெருமறம்
50) நள: தாமரை
51) பிங்கள: பொன்மை
52) காளயுக்தி: கருமைவீச்சு
53) சித்தார்த்தி: முன்னியமுடிதல்
54) ரௌத்திரி: அழலி
55) துன்மதி: கொடுமதி
56) துந்துபி: பேரிகை
57) ருத்ரோத்காரி: ஒடுங்கி
58) ரக்தாட்சி: செம்மை
59) குரோதன: எதிரேற்றம்
60) அட்சய: வளங்கலன்

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