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Bheeja mantras

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The word mantra in Sanskrit, means advice or suggestion. Mantra might also be thought of as an energy pattern. Mantras are produced by combining alphabet sounds. The ancient Vedic Sanskrit meaning is not known. Though a whole lot of syllables and further combinations of sounds may be produced, but not all of them are useful. Various mantras are either spoken aloud or merely sounded internally.
A Beej Mantra is the shortest form of a Mantra just like a beej (seed). They are the vibrations, and it is belief that when the universe was created then the sounds produce during the cosmic evolution are basically the beej mantra. They may not have any specific meaning and the sound patterns stimulate a certain effect on the mental and psychic nature of an individual.
Each Bija or seed Mantra corresponds to a particular deity. Each Beej mantra can be mixed with mantras. There are thousands of mantras, from a variety of cultures, languages and religions. Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namo Narayana and Om Mani Padme Hum are just a few.

Oom: ॐ

This beej mantra (oom - pranava) is the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. ‘A’ for Brahma, ‘U’ for Vishnu and ‘M’ for Mahadev Shiva. The three sounds also symbolize the three Vedas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda). Ajna Eyebrow centre. OM represents the music of existence, the soundless sound, the sound of silence. OM represents the inner most music of our being, the inner harmony, the inner humming sound which happens when our body, mind, soul are in deep totality, when the visible and the invisible, the un-manifest and the manifest, the relative and absolute, the outer and inner are in deep togetherness.

Extensions of Oom

Basic beej mantra Oom is further expanded to aeng (aim) hreem, sreem, kreem, kleem, dum, gam, glaum, lam, yam, aam or um or ram.
  1. Hreem is the earliest bheej mantra and belongs to bhuvaneshwari. androgynous sound for clarity and seeing through the illusions of reality
  2. Sreem is for Sri or Lakshmi (feminine sound for abundance. sa (lakshmi, pure and auspicious) , ra (agni), ee (maya) and m (anuswara)
  3. Kreem feminine sound of creation and destruction, Kali bheeja.
  4. Kleem androgynous sound for attraction, Kamaraja or Manmatha bheeja.
  5. Kling from Klim produces for Vairagya and thought-force (Beeja Akshara of Lord Krishna krish)
  6. Aim is for Saraswathi.
  7. eIm: feminine, sound for success in spiritual, artistic and scientific endeavors, music and education
  8. Dhom - feminine, sound for protection Durga
  9. Hleem - Bagalamukhi
  10. Dhoom - Dhoomavathi
  11. Treem for Tara Mahavidya
  12. Gam - masculine sound to remove obstacles and bring success in endeavors, Ganapathi or vinayak
  13. Glaum masculine sound to remove obstacles between throat and base of spine
  14. Hroum - Shiva
  15. Howm - masculine sound for transcendental consciousness, Shiva
  16. Dam - Vishnu
  17. Fraum - Hanuman
  18. Bhram - Bhairav murhty
  19. Kshraum - masculine to rid stubborn evil situations and release energies, Nrisimha or Narasimha
  20. sum som am bum gum shum sham ram kem (navagraha)
  21. Dhham - Kuber
  22. Nim for Guru
  23. Ham - Akash, Vishudhi Throat
  24. Ram - Agni, Manipura Navel centre
  25. LAM, Anahata (Heart)
  26. Yam - Vayu, Anahata
  27. VAM, or fvam Base of the spine
  28. SHAM or shum, Third Eye.
  29. Ksham - Prithvi
  30. OM (Crown)
  31. Tam - Shanthi or peace

Chants with beeja

  1. Om Namah Shivaya (Panch Akshari)
  2. Om Namah Narayanaya (Asht Akshari)
  3. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
  4. Om sri rama jaya
  5. Om Kling Krishnaya Namaha
  6. Om Kring Kalikaya Namaha
  7. Om Hroom Adyitaya Namaha
  8. Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
  9. Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut Namaha
  10. Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha
  11. Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya Dattatroyaye Namaha -

Mantras மந்திரங்கள்

மந்திரங்கள் ஏழ கோடி உள்ளது என்று நூல்கள் கூறுகின்றன.
Ending with: 1.(நம) 2.(சுவாதா) 3.(சுவாகா) 4.(வௌஷட்) 5.(ஹூம்) 6.(வஷட்) 7.(பட்) (1)மூல மந்திரம் (2)பீஜா மந்திரம் (விதை மந்திரம்)(3)பஞ்ச மந்திரம் (4)சடங்க மந்திரம் (5)சம்ஹிதா மந்திரம் (6)காயத்ரி மந்திரம் (7)அஜபா மந்திரம் (8)பிராணப் பிரதிஷ்டா மந்திரம் (9)அஷ்டகர்ம மந்திரம் (10)பஞ்ச கிருஷ்திய மந்திரம் (11)ஏகாட்சர மந்திரம் (12)திரியட்சரி மந்திரம் (13)பஞ்சாட்சர மந்திரம் (14)சடாட்சர மந்திரம் (15)அட்டாட்சர மந்திரம் (16)நவாட்சரி மந்திரம் (17)பஞ்சதசாட்சரி மந்திரம் (18)பிரசாத மந்திரம் (19)நியாச மந்திரம் (20)கவச மந்திரம் (21)உபதேச மந்திரம் (22)தனித்தனித் தெய்வ மந்திரம் (23) அதிதேவதை மந்திரம்.
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