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Is God a concept?
"To believe or not believe in god, both concepts are intellectual". God is too complex for humans to create an accurate conception. It is not possible to comprehend God, which is unlimited?
All that you see outside is the creation of the mind. This is the basic principle of vijnana-vada. Vijnana is the consciousness in the mind or consciousness itself as the mind, which projects itself as an outside world of perception.
Gods exist in another realm, where science is powerless.
Gods exist, as concepts. Many thousands of them. That realm is the realm of literature. Illuminating stories, instructive, historical and warning stories.
Concept of God by Scriptures
The metaphysical concept of "Brahman — attributeless, formless, eternal Highest Reality" is at the foundation of many systems.
- "One only one, without a second." [एकमेवाद्वितीयम् ekam evadvitiyam - Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]
- "Wisdom is Brahman" [प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म prajnānam brahma Aitareya Upanishad 3.3.7]
- "All this is Brahman" [सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म sarvam khalvidam brahma Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1]
- "Thou art that" or "Real You are Brahman") [तत्त्वमसि tat tvam asi - Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7]
- "There is no likeness of GOD"[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]
- "Form is not to be seen; no one sees GOD with the eye." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]
- "There is no image of GOD" [Yajurveda 32:3]5
- "GOD is body less and pure." [Yajurveda 40:8]
- "verily great" [Atharvaveda 20:58:3]
- "There is only one GOD, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit."
Concept of Dharma
Concept of Dharma, has been used to replace the need for higher power. For example Buddhists use dharma to encompasses their variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices. Jainism , traditionally known as Jain Dharma, is an ancient Indian sect.
God and we
God is one of the words to refer this Supreme Energy that created the universe and laid down the rules of physics, mathematics and all sciences that we know.
Each one of us is really part of the whole, a drop of the ocean, a ray of the brilliant light - into which we get to merge back when we leave this body.
We are here each to fulfil some mission, some part in the supreme design and each one of us is really part of the big picture and fit in neatly into his plan, according to the roles he designs.
The supreme God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and omnivalent. God manifests in any shape, gender and form we desire.
We all speak about God, creation, and the relationship between the two. God is beyond all human knowledge. The complexity of finding relationship with an unknown entity, becomes easy when we use different metaphors to describe God and our relationship with God.
எண்ணாயிரம் ஆண்டு யோகம் இருப்பினும் கண்ணார் அமுதனை கண்டறிவாரில்லை
உள் நாடி ஒளி பெற உள்ளே நோக்கினார் கண்ணாடி போல கலந்து நின்றானே
Simple interpretation of above verse:
Even if you spent thousands of years, you can not perceive God, who is beyond physical attributes like form, smell, sound and all. No one can describe and do not know exactly what it is. By looking inwards, we can understand God is essence and life force of everything. God is part of real "me".
Has no comparison
There was a great saint by title, "Vak kesari", who was preaching there is no comparison for God, as God is unique and beyond discussion. He came to south and established temple called Oppilla appan. Oppilla means no comparison. Appan means God in tamil. (Atthan not Appan is tamil word for father).
Local pandits, who prays to various deities, complained to King that new person is corrupting the people, by preaching wrong things. When King questioned him, he told as King is unique in his kingdom, God - king of all and everything is unique. Anything which can be described, can be compared. He was recognized as saint and established a temple, with out deities with forms.
Nammaazhwaar called God "Thannoppaarillappan", that is he who has no comparison (i.e. there is neither an equivalent nor superior to the Lord - mikaiyum oppum illaathavan).
After some time, name of deity got changed to Oppiliappan and legend story was created, with usual characters god and rishi. Lakshmi appeared as a baby under the already incarnated tulasi plant (tulasi chedi) for Markandeya. Lord appeared as an old man and asked for the hand of Markandeya's daughter in marriage. Markandeya replied that, "You are very ripe and old, my daughter is too young and she does not even know how to cook with proper salt (lavanam) contents. You may get angry and curse her if she does not cook properly. This is not fair. You are bodily old but mentally very aware. You must forgive me and bless me but this will not work out." To which the old man replied, "If your daughter must cook without salt, then I will still take it as my best food, but I will not leave from here without marrying her." Without knowing what to do, Markandeya sought the help of the ever protecting Lord Vishnu. It was then that he realised using his thapobalam, that the old man was none other than Lord Vishnu himself. When he opened his eyes the Lord appeared in front of him with conch and chakram as in Sri Vaikundam. Markandeya asked for forgiveness and offered his daughter's hand in marriage and performed the kannikaathaanam of his daughter (Lakshmi) to the Lord.
Proof for God
"Brhmati iti brahma" [It is not a known thing; It is not also a totally unknown thing.]
Many arguments which attempt to prove or disprove the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, and other thinkers for many centuries.
- "No one knows whether God exists" (agnosticism);
- "God exists, but this cannot be proven or disproven" (weak theism);
- "God exists and this can be proven" (strong theism).
- "God does not exist" (strong atheism);
There are many observable phenomenon we can’t explain. There are many questions with out answers. This is seen as evidence of Supreme being. Higher power is an extrapolation. Science deals with the natural world. God is a supernatural being (extrapolation of natural world).
The existence of a higher power is based on faith. There’s no need for evidence if you’re a believer, and there’s no need for looking for scientific proof (or lack thereof) if you’re not a believer.
God's omniscience may seem to imply that God knows how free agents will choose to act. If God does know this, their apparent free will might be illusory, or foreknowledge does not imply predestination; and if God does not know it, God may not be omniscient.
Deism holds that God is wholly transcendent: God exists, but does not intervene in the world beyond what was necessary to create it. After creation, no purpose for God.
For Believers: God
GOD hears what is not spoken and
Understands what is not explained;
God will bring you good through God's agents.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Always, worship God.
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